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Podcast Transcript: Is God's Discipline Good?

Is God's Discipline Good?

Thanks for joining the podcast. In this episode, we will hear about God's Discipline....Is God's Discipline Good? Join me & my dog Tizzy on a walk where God taught me a valuable lesson about His discipline. You can listen to this podcast episode by clicking: Is God's Discipline Good?

Welcome, My Friend, to Need Hope.

I’m Chris Gray. And I’m so glad you’re here.

Where do you find hope?

In a moment, I’d like to share a story of how God taught me a valuable lesson,

all.. while walking my dog… Stay tuned.

Intro Music

First, let’s listen to God’s Word. Hebrews 12:11. I pray God speaks to our hearts.

For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems sad and painful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterward it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness [right standing with God and a lifestyle and attitude that seeks conformity to God’s will and purpose].”

My story begins with my dog Tizzy. I planned on a delightful walk for both of us.

However, it was rudely interrupted when I discovered an abandoned doggie bag of poop in our yard. The nerve of some people. Why in the world would anyone toss their dog’s poop bag in our yard?

It’s so inconsiderate and lazy to boot. If you aren’t going to put the dog bag in your own trash can, which is what I do, then at least put it in my trash can. But please don’t toss it in my front yard.

Well, I took a deep breath and did the right thing. I picked up this stranger’s poop bag and put it in my larger plastic bag. Still, for some reason, this offense stuck in my craw. Typically, I overlook things, and it’s no- big- deal. But that morning, my mind spun with critical thoughts about that person who left their dog bag in my yard.

We continued the walk, and sure enough, my dear Tizzy took care of her business. I gladly picked up her poop. However, carrying the mystery dog’s bag with Tizzy’s, felt like a burden. I was still very irritated.

Well, I arrived home with my dog and couldn’t wait to throw away those dog bags. After lifting the lid to the trash can, I tried tossing all the poop in, but something was wrong.

The dog bags.. were gone!

Not only had I lost the rude person’s dog poop, but I’d lost my dog’s poop as well. I quickly scanned the area around me. It was nowhere in sight. “This isn’t happening,” I said to myself. Here I am, not cutting that dog owner any slack, not giving any grace, and I’m without even my own dog’s poop.

I was shocked. I set myself on a mission, determined to backtrack my steps – I had to find those missing poop bags. Well, let me tell you it took me a while to find them. During this time, my Heavenly Father convicted me ever so lovingly of the grace I needed to receive for being critical and judging that dog owner who also may have accidentally dropped her dog’s poop bag in my yard. I’m here to say it can happen. Now it was my turn to give grace to that dog owner.

While this whole story is somewhat humorous, at the time, it was quite humbling.

I wonder, can you relate?

Have you ever been critical towards someone and then find you need the same grace you’ve refused to give others?

I know discipline may sting for a moment, but for those who learn from it, the result is drinking in more deeply God’s love shown at the cross of Jesus. We become more and more conformed to the image of Christ.

God’s love consists of grace and mercy. Grace is receiving something we don’t deserve. Mercy is not receiving what we do deserve. As we see our ongoing need for God’s love at the cross of Jesus, His grace and mercy will flow through us to others.

Please know that grace and mercy don’t come naturally to us. We all are born with a self-focused way of living. We judge whether something is right or wrong based on what’s best for us. This kind of living denies God as we self-righteously rule over our own life. Actually, it’s rebellion against God, the Creator of you and me. Rebellion separates us from God now and forever in hell. Yet God lovingly offers us rescue, a new life at peace with Him now and forever in Heaven.

Would you like to receive God’s rescue?

Would you like to turn away from trusting in your self-ruled life?

Would you like to put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?

He died to take our punishment for the rebellion we are all born with. And He rose from the grave. I hope you will turn to Jesus today and not reject God’s love. If you want more information on how to have a relationship with Jesus, our website is

Let me pray for us.

Dear Heavenly Father, I confess to having unloving critical thoughts toward others. Thank You, Jesus, that You took our punishment on the cross and rose from the grave so we can be forgiven. Your love, God, has been poured into our hearts to forgive others as we have been forgiven. Please remind us, Lord, to daily run to the cross of Jesus. There, we will find Your enabling power to walk in Your love for Your glory. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.

Until next time, Look to Jesus. And look to God’s Word for guaranteed hope.

Outro Music

Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMP), Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.


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